'But you and all the kind of Christ
Are ignorant and brave,
And you have wars you hardly win
And souls you hardly save.'
The ballad of the white horse

Sunday, November 20, 2011


A few weeks ago, I finally decided to buy a Kindle. I had hesitated for years about e-books, but the time seems to have come. And after some reading, I have to say that I do not regret the decision: the Kindle reads well and it appears that there are quite some classic works available over the internet. For example: I could not find Chesterton's book on St. Francis in the local library, but now I read it on the Kindle.
The website that I found most impressive was gutenberg.org: a list of hundreds of classical authors, with numerous of their books. There are 49 books by Chesterton on this site (BTW: listed on popularity, Chesterton is number 33 on the list). There is much more to read...

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